How to Heal with Noelle in Genshin Impact



Writer and Storywriter


Noelle is the maid of the Knights of Favonius, who dreams of becoming an official knight one day. Noelle is a supporting character, and her primary stat is Defense. She wields a claymore and has a Geo Vision.

How to Heal with Noelle in Genshin Impact

With her talent, Breastplate, Noelle can create a shield around the active character and help you heal the entire party.

shield casting and no dmg GIF
no damage is taken when the shield is up

Noelle uses a Geo vision, which means her elemental and elemental burst skills do Geo damage. When these skills hit their targets, they can create elemental crystals, which turn into elemental shields when picked up.

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electro crystal and electro shield

The higher Noelle’s Defense stat, the more damage her shields absorb. This also increases Noelle’s capacity to heal everyone, including herself. However, she can only heal when Breastplate is active.

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All of Noelle’s hits have a chance to heal all characters.
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With a Level 1 Breastplate and no Constellations, Noelle has only a 50 percent chance for her attacks to regenerate HP. At level 11 Breastplate, there is a 59% chance her attacks will restore HP for all characters.

Breastplate info

“I Got Your Back,” Noelle’s first Constellation, significantly improves her healing capability under certain conditions.

constellation lv1

With this in effect, her attacks have a 100% chance of healing all characters so long as Breastplate and Sweeping Time are both active. Use both of these skills simultaneously to make sure you cure the entire party with each hit.

healing 2 skills up GIF

Healer Build Suggestion

If you want to build Noelle mainly as a healer, it is best to go for Defense and Energy Recharge stats.

Breastplate has a 24-second cooldown and can only generate Geo energy particles when it hits enemies upon casting. To deal with this, you can equip Sacrificial Greatsword, which has a chance to reset the Elemental Skill each time it hits an opponent.

Noelle and Sacrificial Greatsword 1

The weapon’s secondary stat, Energy Recharge, recharges her Elemental Burst much faster. With the Sacrificial Greatsword, you can shorten the downtime of both skills so you can use them more often, allowing you to heal your party efficiently.

Another weapon that can help increase the time of Noelle’s elemental burst is the Favonius Greatsword. It gives higher energy recharge for its secondary stat and can generate six energy if a Noelle triggers a critical hit.

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