Is Neill Blomkamp Directing a Doom Movie?



Bayani Miguel Acebedo

Writer and Storywriter

Bayani is a freelance pop-culture newswriter that's been covering the news cycle since 2017. He writes mostly about TV and movies, but he also covers the biggest game news and makes sure to keep you up-to-date on the hottest titles. Though he does specialize on topics like Star Wars and Comic Book films, he also keeps up to date on none superhero properties like the latest movies and most buzzed about tv shows. He also has a podcast called Feed the Geeks which you can check out on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. He also draws original webcomics from time to time.

Director Neill Blomkamp surprised his fans when it was revealed that he was directing the Gran Turismo movie, and it looks like the District 9 legend already has his eyes set on another video game project, Doom.

Is Neill Blomkamp Directing a Doom Movie?

Blomkamp just shared this image on his Twitter, and it has everyone speculating:

While it’s not an official announcement, Blomkamp taking on a Doom movie makes a lot of sense. Blomkamp has always had a penchant for sci-fi and body horror violence—two things that Doom goes hand-in-hand with.

The last time Doom got a movie adaptation was in 2005 with The Rock, Karl Urban, and Rosamund Pike. Admittedly, the film wasn’t so well-received, and there haven’t been any attempts at another adaptation in almost 20 years.

Admittedly, the Doom franchise has found a resurgence in video games, which could lead to the interest in adapting a film again. Looking at Blomkamp’s previous work, especially his recent horror shorts, he could be the perfect director to tackle a project like Doom. It would also be great to see his name on the big screen. So far, Blomkamp has been more focused on pumping out his video shorts than making full-on films. It was actually kind of odd to see his name on the Gran Turismo film.

A Doom movie has not been officially announced. Watch out for Gran Turismo when it comes to cinemas on Aug. 11.

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