Overwatch 2 finally gets an October release date, but besides the incoming character Sojourn, we are also getting another junker character in the form of Junker Queen. Thanks to the Xbox and Bethesda showcase, we have a new cinematic teasing the ruler of Junker Town.

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Since players get to play Overwatch with Junker Queen already ruling the town, I guess this short will be a prequel showing how exactly she got the crown. While the short does feature some new characters, I think we can get cameos from other playable heroes like Junkrat and Roadhog, as well as Wrecking Ball, who also has lore connected to the fighting arenas of Junker Town.
Though she does not fight in the cinematic, Junker Queen’s skillset is also teased with her ability to recall her ax magnetically. I guess she will be some Genji with a shotgun, but I can not wait to see what else she can do.
I never noticed it before, but it looks like the story takes place in the final area in Junker Town, which is supposed to be some arena. That is a pretty neat detail for the game, seeing that the locations have just as much personality as the characters themselves.
We do not know when we will get the full cinematic, but I imagine we will be getting some big reveals as the release date for OW2 draws nearer.
Overwatch 2 launches on Oct. 4 for PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Nintendo Switch.