Phasmophobia is a thriller about ghost hunting. In the game, the player aims to collect information about the ghost by completing the tasks given in specific maps and friends or alone. When you start the game, you start inside a truck, and there are many different items, such as pills and cameras. One of these items is a timer. All of these items have a different function and are used at different points.

Let’s take a look at what the timer in the truck does in Phasmophobia.
Timer In Truck In Phasmophobia

The timer is one of the essential items for survival in Phasmophobia. When you start the game, you can see one of 3 different times as “00:00, 2:00, and 5:00” in this timer. The time on this timer depends on the difficulty level you choose when starting the game. For example, if you’re playing the professional level, the time you will see on the timer is 00:00.
So what do times mean in this timer? The time the timer is showing starts counting down right when you start the game. During this time, the ghost on the map cannot touch you, meaning it cannot hunt. Therefore, you need to make good use of this time. When the time on the timer comes at 00:00, ghosts may start hunting you.

Finally, as a tip about the timer, the Ouija Board, ghost can start hunting in 25% less time than the time shown on the timer. It is essential for survival in the game to complete your preparations as soon as possible. In addition, If you are new to the game, setting up the game at the amateur level will be more comfortable for you.
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