In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the player has a ton of missions to complete, including dismantling the seemingly evil Team Star, finding the mysterious new Titan Pokemon, finding and catching every species of Pokemon in the region to finish the Pokedex, or defeating every Pokemon Gym in the region to participate in the Pokemon League, become a Paldea Champion, and be the very best like no one ever was.

After completing everything, the game’s main story, and watching the credits, the player has many options. A rematch between former Team Star squads will be one of these.
This guide will teach you everything you need to know to win a rematch against Team Star’s Ruchbah Squad/Fairy Crew! Consider this your spoiler alert for some post-game information!

The Team Star squad bases have been renamed Star Training Centers post-game. Like before, the Ruchbah Squad Base can be found in North Province (Area Three) (northeast of Casseroya Lake or northwest of Montenevera) near the top part of the Paldea Region.
The player can reach the Ruchbah Squad Base from the Glaseado Mountain Pokemon Center, follow the winding road slightly to the north to find the North Province (Area Three) Pokemon Center, and continue heading to the north.
Star Barrage: Rematch!

After completing the main story and watching the credits, the player can re-encounter the Star Barrage against the Ruchbah Squad of the newly reorganized Star Training Centers. Just in case you forgot, in a Star Barrage, the player must battle a certain number of Pokemon within a certain amount of time by pressing the R button to send out a few Pokemon, specifically the first three Pokemon in the player’s party, and have them battle the Grunts’ Pokemon at the same time.
If the timer runs out or all of the player’s Pokemon run out of health, the player will lose. The player can retreat and give up by pressing the Y button before the timer runs out. If the player’s Pokemon are almost out of health, they can speak with Clive at the base’s entrance and ask him to heal them or interact with vending machines.
To start the Star Barrage rematch against Team Star’s Ruchbah Squad, approach the base’s gate, interact with the bell with a glowing button, and confirm on the prompt that the player wants to train at the STC.
Confirming the Star Rematch
After confirming the Star Barrage rematch against the Ruchbah Squad, Ortega will say over the speakers that the player has to eliminate 50 of the Ruchbah Squad’s Pokemon within 10 minutes (instead of eliminating only 30 Pokemon like in the player’s initial attempts).
Suppose the player has three Pokemon that are powerful enough or have the ability to deal super effective damage to Fairy-type Pokemon. In that case, they can defeat this Star Barrage rematch quite easily.
Because this is the Fairy crew’s base, all of the Grunts within will use a Fairy-type Pokemon (some Pokemon will have dual types, but one will be Fairy-type). So, because of that, it is worth mentioning that Fairy-type Pokemon have a weakness (super effective) to Poison-type and Steel-type Pokemon, so it is advised to use three Pokemon with types of moves to defeat the grunts’ Pokemon comfortably.
Depending on how quickly the Star Barrage was finished, the player will receive a different amount of LP. Therefore, the faster the player defeats 50 Pokemon belonging to the Ruchbah Squad Grunts, the more LP the player will receive.
Ruchbah Squad Boss Ortega: Rematch!
A rematch with the recently redesigned Star Training Center Squad Bosses is possible. The Squad Bosses can only be battled once per day in the game.

To challenge Ortega, the boss of the Ruchbah Squad, enter the Ruchbah Squad base and head to the large tent with a huge Poke Ball sign. Ortega will be there with a couple of Grunts. Talk to Ortega and select ‘Yes’ on the prompt to start the battle against Ortega!
Read: Pokemon Scarlet/Violet: Gym Leader Tulip Rematch Guide
Ortega will use more than four Pokemon in this battle compared to the first time the player faces him, and he will not use the Ruchbah Starmobile. He will use five Fairy-type Pokemon: a Level 65 Klefki, a Level 65 Azumarill, a Level 65 Wigglytuff, a Level 65 Hatterene, and a Level 66 Dachsbun. Ortega will not Terastallize any of his Pokemon.
Ortega’s Klefki

With that in mind, it is worth noting that Klefki is a Steel and Fairy-type Pokemon which means it is weak (super effective) to Fire-type and Ground-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Dark-type, Fairy-type, Flying-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, Normal-type, Psychic-type, Rock-type, and especially Bug-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Dragon-type and Poison-type moves.
Ortega’s Klefki will use the following moves in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet:
- Flash Cannon is a special Steel-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from inflicting damage, also has a 10% chance of decreasing the Special Defense stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Dazzling Gleam is a special Fairy-type attack with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Reflect is a Psychic-type status move that will lessen the damage taken on the Pokemon using the move’s side from physical attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for five turns.
- Light Screen is a Psychic-type status move that will decrease the damage received from special attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles on the Pokemon using the move’s side of the battle and lasting five turns.
Aside from that, Ortega’s Klefki has the Ability called Prankster, which will raise the Speed priority of the Pokemon with the Ability’s status moves by one so they would move first before most moves. Also, the moves affected by this Ability will become ineffective against Dark type opposing Pokemon.
Ortega’s Azumarill

Azumarill is a Water and Fairy-type Pokemon. Hence, it is weak (super effective) to Electric-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type, Dark-type, Fighting-type, Fire-type, Ice-type, and Water-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Dragon-type moves.
Ortega’s Azumarill will use the following moves in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet:
- Aqua Tail is a physical Water-type attack with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy.
- Play Rough is a physical Fairy-type move with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy that deals damage and has a 10% chance of decreasing the Attack stat of the target Pokemon by one stage.
- Ice Punch is a physical Ice-type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy that deals damage and has a 10% chance of freezing the target Pokemon.
- Brick Break is a physical Fighting-type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy that inflicts damage and will also break the active protective barriers in the battle.
Also, Ortega’s Azumarill has the Ability called Huge Power, which will double the Attack stat of the Pokemon with the Ability.
Ortega’s Wigglytuff in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet

Wigglytuff is a Normal and Fairy-type Pokemon which means that it is weak (super effective) to Poison-type and Steel-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to Bug-type and Dark-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Ghost-type and Dragon-type moves.
Ortega’s Wigglytuff will use the following moves in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet:
- Body Slam is a physical Normal-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy. Aside from causing damage, it also has a 30% chance of inflicting the status condition Paralyze on the opposing Pokemon.
- Play Rough is a physical Fairy-type attack with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy that inflicts damage and has a 10% chance of lowering the Attack stat of the enemy Pokemon by one stage.
- Fire Punch is a physical Fire-type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy that inflicts damage and has a 10% chance of inflicting the status condition Burn on the target Pokemon.
- Thunder Punch is a physical Electric-type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy. In addition to causing damage, it has a 10% chance of inflicting the status condition Paralyze on the target Pokemon.
Aside from its moves, Ortega’s Wigglytuff has the Ability called Cute Charm. There is a 30% chance that the opposing Pokemon will become fascinated with the Pokemon with the Ability if the opposing Pokemon makes physical contact with the Pokemon with the Ability.
Ortega’s Hatterene in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet

Hatterene is a Fairy and Psychic-type Pokemon, meaning it is weak to Ghost-type, Poison-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective), resistant (not very effective) to Psychic-type and especially Fighting-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Dragon-type moves.
Ortega’s Hatterene will use the following moves in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet:
- Psychic is a special Psychic-type attack with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that causes damage and has a 10% chance of decreasing the target Pokemon’s Special Defense stat by one stage.
- Dazzling Gleam is a special Fairy-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Shadow Ball is a special Ghost-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that not only inflicts damage but also has a 20% chance of decreasing the Special Defense stat of the target Pokemon by one stage.
- Misty Terrain is a Fairy-type status move that will protect the Pokemon on the ground from status conditions and decrease the damage from Dragon-type moves by half for five turns.
Additionally, Ortega’s Hatterene has the Ability called Healer, which means it has a 30% chance to cure an ally Pokemon’s status condition once a turn ends.
Ortega’s Dachsbun in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet

Dachsbun is a Fairy-type Pokemon that is weak (super effective) to Poison-type and Steel-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to the Bug-type, Dark-type, and Fighting-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Dragon-type moves.
Ortega’s Dachsbun will use the following moves in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet:
- Crunch is a physical Dark-type attack with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that causes damage and also has a 20% chance of decreasing the Defense stat of the target Pokemon by one stage.
- Play Rough is a physical Fairy-type move with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy that also has a 10% chance of lessening the Attack stat of the enemy Pokemon by one stage.
- Ice Fang is a physical Ice-type move with 65 Power and 95 Accuracy that inflicts damage and has a 10% chance of inflicting Freeze on the opposing Pokemon or making the opposing Pokemon flinch.
- Fire Fang is a physical Fire-type move with 65 Power and 95 Accuracy that causes damage and has a 10% chance of making the target Pokemon flinch or inflict Burn on the opposing Pokemon.
Also, Ortega’s Dachsbun has the Ability called Well-Baked Body, which means that the Pokemon with the Ability will become immune to Fire-type attacks. Not only that, but the Pokemon with the Ability’s Defense stat will also increase by two stages whenever a Fire-type attack hits it.
Because Ortega’s Pokemon are Level 65 and 66, it is recommended that the player use Level 67 and higher Pokemon with Poison-type and Ground-type moves.
Poison-type moves can effectively damage almost all of Ortega’s Pokemon. Specifically, Ortega’s Azumarill, Wigglytuff, Hatterene, Dachsbun, and Ground-type moves can effectively damage Ortega’s Klefki.
Steel-type moves can also be great as this type of move can deal super effective damage to Ortega’s Wigglytuff, Hatterene, and Dachsbun.
It is worth noting that Ortega’s first Pokemon, Klefki, has moves that will increase its whole team’s Defense and Special Defense stats, specifically its Light Screen and Reflect. Because of that, it is recommended to defeat Ortega’s Klefki quickly to prevent its whole team’s Defense and Special Defense stats from being improved for five turns.
After defeating Ruchbah Squad’s boss, Ortega, in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, the player will receive 11,880 Pokemon Dollars. The player can still battle the other former Team Star Squad Bosses around the Paldea region, but the player would have to wait until the next in-game day to battle Ortega again.