Help Killjoy test and try out VALORANT Patches before everyone else.

There is none better to ask for feedback from than from passionate players about VALORANT. Riot Games knows this, so the VALORANT team regularly conducts their monthly Ask VALORANT sessions.
Riot Games listens to its fanbase, evidenced by the company’s continuous desire to involve themselves with the community and consider as much feedback as possible from their die-hard fans. After all, from a business standpoint, the fans are Riot Games’ important customers.
Out of Riot Games’ various methods of gathering feedback and comments from their community, no feedback is more hands-on and direct than the VALORANT PBE. We will show you how to sign up for VALORANT PBE in this guide.
What is VALORANT Public Beta Testing
The VALORANT Public Beta Testing, more commonly known as VALORANT PBE, is a public beta environment where eligible players can test early versions of incoming patches for VALORANT.
Employing the help of actual VALORANT players helps Riot Games with a couple of things:
#1 PBE makes finding bugs and glitches much easier
Ten people can get more work done in the same timeframe versus just five people.
Riot Games is employing the same mindset for VALORANT PBE – the more people play the Public Beta patch, the faster they can spot any bugs and glitches in-game.
#2 Works as a pseudo-survey
VALORANT PBE can also work as a subtle survey of what the community thinks about an upcoming patch.
While VALORANT PBE testers are a small sample size compared to the entirety of the VALORANT community, they are no less passionate about the game’s future than more casual players. After all, they took the time to sign up and participate in the PBE.
#3 Helps make VALORANT a community-driven game
Engaging and involving the community is a great way of ensuring that VALORANT stays fun and competitive for the majority of its players.
Fortunately for VALORANT fans, Riot Games listens to their fanbase as a child listens to their mother.
One good example of this is back in Patch 4.08 when Riot Games gave Sova new animations for Shock Bolt and Recon Bolt. While Riot Games probably meant well, the new animations unintentionally blocked off sections of the lower HUD on-screen that Sova players often use for their lineups.
The then rumored change caused outrage for Sova fans everywhere, which prompted Riot Games to swiftly remove the new Sova animations altogether.
How to Sign Up for VALORANT PBE
Sign up and join the VALORANT PBE to help Riot Games make your favorite tactical FPS game the best it can be. Here’s how to sign up for VALORANT Public Beta Environment testing.
- Go to the VALORANT PBE sign up page:

2. Scroll down and click on the “Apply Here” button:

A few things to remember before signing up:
- Make sure you have no current bans or restrictions
- You must be someone who consistently plays VALORANT from the North American region
- Eligibility is not guaranteed. Riot Games reserves the right to choose players that they think best represents the rest of the VALORANT community. As such, player ranks, play frequency, and hardware capability are some criteria that Riot Games consider when choosing PBE testers.
Play to Make VALORANT Better
You have to commend Riot Games’ efforts in listening to its customers. After all, what good is a product when customers do not enjoy or find value in it?
The VALORANT Public Beta Environment testing ensures that future patches have the approval of the VALORANT community before the patch even goes live. So if you’re passionate about making VALORANT an even better game than it already is right now, go ahead and apply for VALORANT PBE testing.