The Last of Us zombies are very different in a sense that the undead have stages in their infection, and one of the most prominent versions of the advanced ‘Clicker’ which made their debut in the latest episode.

Just in, we have a new featurette from the series giving us a look at the origin of the Clicker, and how they ended up bringing the creature to live-action. Watch this:
In the second installment of Naughty Dog’s new series, Building The Last of Us, developers from the Naughty Dog team dig into some of the creation of one of The Last of Us’ most well-known enemies: the Clickers. Developers from Naughty Dog and PlayStation dig into the art, sound, animation, and origins of bringing the Clickers to life in The Last of Us, including insight into the iconic sound of Clickers, the way The Last of Us’ Clickers move, and a look at never-before-seen Clicker concept art.
With the Clickers dependent on echolocation, you can see that they’ve been given a sound akin to a dolphin or whale when they try to look for their prey. It’s also kind of interesting to think that their movement is to mimic a body that is being pulled along by something else—which is essentially what the cordyceps are doing.
If you’ve played the game, you’ll know that there are several other kinds of infected waiting for Joel and Ellie, and the series is said to be adding a few more variations. With the fungus hivemind reveal, I wonder what else is in store.
Catch The Last of Us on HBO Max with new episodes every Sunday.