Michael deals with the Epsilon Program once and for all. Kifflom!

Throughout GTA 5’s story mode, Michael will encounter a religious cult known as The Epsilon Program led by a certain Cris Formage. Michael will be asked to do several favors and donate random sums of money by the Epsilon Program in exchange for “enlightenment”.
Unknowing the Truth is the final mission that involves the Epsilon Program in GTA 5. Michael can complete the mission in one of three ways – all of which we will outline in this guide, including how you can get a Gold Medal for completing the mission in GTA 5.
Unknowing the Truth Synopsis
Michael arrives at the Epsilon Program mansion in Rockford Hills to meet with Cris Formage. Cris asks for Michael’s help transporting apocalypse funds to the Cayman Islands. Michael agrees to help with the transport. Before they leave the mansion, Cris asks Michael for his cash donation. Michael immediately hands $50,000 to Cris, and the pair discuss the job assignment.

Cris instructs Michael to drive the Epsilon Program-colored car and deliver the bags of cash to Cris’ helicopter. Before Michael leaves, Cris tells him that Kraff has been very impressed with Michael’s progress in the program, to which Michael only answers: “Kifflom.”
Michael gets in the assigned car and follows an Epsilon Program security vehicle that will guide him to the assigned location. On the way to the assigned location, Michael asks one of the security personnel how much money is in the bags. The security personnel simply tells Michael that it shouldn’t concern him.
As soon as Michael arrives at the drop-off point, he can:
- Exit the car and follow Epsilon member Jesse to the parking lot. Here, Jesse will thank Michael for his services and present a rusty Tractor as a gift from the Epsilon Program.
- Betray the Epsilon by breaking away from the convoy. Doing so will cause heavily-armed Epsilon members to chase after Michael, including an Epsilon Maverick.
- Betray the Epsilon Program and acquire both the money and the Tractor.
Option 2 or 3 will immediately end the mission, and Michael will receive a call from an angry Cris Formage, who will threaten Michael’s life and career. Michael laughs it off and tells Cris that he has taken the money as a refund for all his previous donations.
Michael will also receive a text from Marnie Allen, who condemns Michael for his actions but offers a way to redeem himself through Epsilon Tracts.
Unknowing the Truth Gold Medal Objectives

- Cult Intervention: Kill all Epsilon Security.
- Show Me The Money: Steal the Epsilon money and escape.
All Gold Medal objectives for this mission can be completed through multiple replays. You can come back another time and replay the mission to get the rest of the Gold Medal objectives.
Unknowing the Truth Mission Guide
Follow the Epsilon Security vehicle to the target location.

Park the car in the yellow marker next to the chopper.

At this point, you can choose to choose one of the three options to complete the mission. Option one will get you the Rusty Tractor, option two will net you all the money in the trunk, and option three will get you the Tractor and all the money.
It’s up to you which of these options you decide to go with, as either one will complete the mission anyway.

Option 1
Leave the Tailgater and follow brother Jesse to the parking lot.

Option 2
- Break away from the convoy but get ready to fight off all the angry Epsilon Program members.

2. Kill all the red targets on the map. Use Michael’s special ability to make aiming easier.

3. After dealing with the Epsilon members, evade the cops and lose your wanted level to complete the mission.

Option 3
- Follow the Epsilon Security vehicle to the target location.

2. Park the car at the drop-off point and get ready to fight.

3. Pull out your favorite gun and light the Epsilon members up.

4. Lose the cops by circling around the building. Don’t move too far from the Tailgater containing the bags of cash as this will cause you to fail the mission.

5. After clearing your wanted level, drive back to the initial meeting spot.

6. IMPORTANT: Before you get back in the Tailgater, make your way to the parking spot and pick up the Tractor. Park it beside the Tailgater so you can easily switch back to it after you claim the money.

7. Finally, get back in the Tailgater to complete the mission. This will net you all the money plus the Tractor.

Brother-brother, Kifflom!
The Epsilon Program got a taste of its own medicine when Michael finally decided it was time to take the cult’s money for himself.
Getting the Cult Intervention Gold Medal in Unknowing the Truth can be done easily by spamming Michael’s special ability. After clearing the Security personnel, you need to outrun the cops from the resulting wanted level and make sure the Tailgater is in decent condition to claim the money.
Go with Option 3 if you want to get both the Tractor and all the money after completing the mission. Only Options 2 and 3 will get you a Gold Medal, so make sure you don’t just submit to the Epsilon Program and mindlessly deliver the Tailgater to the target location.