The Dual Blades is just one of the 14 weapon classes in Monster Hunter Rise; this weapon has one of the most rapid attack combos available. Their striking ability in quick succession makes them the ideal weapon for inflicting status effects on monsters.

This, and the undeniably awesome attack animations, make Dual Blades an easy fan favorite in the franchise. But amid the dozens of weapon choices in Monster Hunter Rise, one stands out above the others.

The dual blades of Fire and Ice are a new weapon in the Monster Hunter Rise. It was just introduced when the game was updated with the Elder Dragons – Teostra, Kushala Daora, and Crimson Glow Valstrax. That is because to craft Fire and Ice, the necessary materials can only be obtained from these Elder Dragons. From this alone, you can deduce it isn’t an easy farm.

The Core Materials

The Fire and Ice dual blades are the top-tier weapon on the Teostra Tree with Rarity 7. To craft this weapon, go to any of the two blacksmiths in Kamura Village; Hamon can craft the blades in the center of the Village and Nakago in the Hub Prep Area.
Read: How To Craft the Squawkscythe in Monster Hunter Rise
The tricky part is getting the materials needed to craft them; It requires you to be a truly dedicated hunter. Seeing that the core materials are obtained from Elder Dragons, which alone is already challenging enough, unlocking and hunting these Elder Dragons requires a minimum HR (Hunter Rank).
Daora Gem x1
The first item you’ll be able to get your hands on will be the Daora Gem. This can only be obtained by hunting a Kushala Daora. It has a 3% max drop rate when you break parts, carves, and rewards.
It only has a 1% drop chance, so make sure to break every possible part of this monster while on the hunt. Kushala Daora is an Elder Dragon, so capturing it for parts is out of the question; the Kushala Daora can only be hunted if you’ve beaten the Narwa the Allmother and have reached HR 30.
Teostra Gem x1
The next core material you will need to craft Fire and Ice will be a Teostra Gem. This gem is attainable when you hunt a Teostra. This is a fire-breathing Elder Dragon, which means you can’t use traps or tranq bombs to capture it.
The gem has a 3% max drop rate when you break parts, carves, and rewards. It also only has a 1% drop chance, so break every possible part of this monster. The Teostra can only be hunted if you’ve beaten the Narwa, the Allmother, and have reached HR 40.
Valstrax Claw+ x1
The last core material you are going to need is a Vlastrax Claw+. Hunting a Crimson Glow Valstrax will give you this one. This material isn’t as hard to come by; It has a 20% chance of being given as a reward for successful hunts. It has a whopping 80% chance of being given for Broken Part Rewards and a 14% chance of drop rate from carves.
What makes this difficult to get your hands on is that you can only unlock the Crimson Glow Valstrax quest at HR 100. This might take a lot more grinding for some players to reach this rank. The Valstrax is also an Elder Dragon, so you can’t capture it for increased rewards.

After collecting all the necessary materials, you need to pay an additional 75,000z to the Blacksmith. And voila, you now have the Fire and Ice dual blades. It must be noted that Fire and Ice is an upgraded weapon. You need to craft the prerequisite weapon Twin Nails I. So what do the Fire and Ice dual blades have that makes it such a unique weapon in Monster Hunter Rise?
A Song of Fire and Ice
Despite the numerous weapon choices in Monster Hunter Rise, Fire, and Ice stands out as it has two elements present. You can check this by pressing the “+” button, then Equipment Info. Here, Fire and Ice have Blast Element (36) and Ice Element (48). The blast element blade is equipped on the right hand, and the ice element blade is on the left. The weapon also gets a Blue Level Sharpness and a 10% increase in Affinity.

Considering this weapon has two elements, inflicting elemental damage to monsters weak to either one or both elements will surely knock them off their feet. The dual blades have quick attacks, making their elemental build-up faster. This makes Fire and Ice stand out; It’s versatile and looks awesome.
Gear up and get your game face on. It’s time to hunt a bunch of Elder Dragons and get your hands on this particularly awesome weapon. Nothing beats defending Kamura Village more than having the best gear at hand and the best friends by your side.