Genshin Impact : 40 Free Wishes


Jon Torres

Writer and Storywriter


Wishes is a mechanic in Genshin Impact which gives you the possibility to unlock different kinds of characters and weapons. They can be either acquired or bought.

Genshin Impact : 40 Free Wishes

There is no other way to unlock characters in Genshin Impact, only those which are unlockable by following the story-line, which are completely free. So, chances are you are in need of a lot of wishes.

Today, we will tell you how to get 40 free wishes in Genshin Impact!

Acquire 40 Free Wishes in Genshin Impact

paimons bargains genshin wishes 1

This “40 wishes” thing has been floating around a lot recently. Apparently, it’s on an ad for the mobile version Genshin Impact.

On the ad it states that you can acquire 40 free wishes, but that is not to say that you will get them right away by clicking on the ad.

It’s true because you can acquire a lot more than forty wishes just by playing the game. So, there is no particular guide on getting 40 free wishes, since you can do that by leveling your Adventure Rank.

This does not make that ad or this article even slightly clickbaity, because there are general rules you can follow to get 40 free wishes fast in Genshin Impact:

  • Level up as fast as possible

“Level up” shouldn’t be mistaken for character levels. What I mean by this is Adventure rank. When you level up adventure rank, you get wishes as rewards, 70-80 max.

  • Open all chests and do dungeons

Chests will give you experience items. Which means that it will increase your wish acquiring rate.

  • Farm Primogems

Primogems can be used to buy Fates, with which you can buy Wishes.

  • Farm Stardust

This currency can also work well for obtaining fates, although it’s a bit rarer.

  • Farm Starglitter

Only five of these will get you a Fate. However, be warned because this resource is extremely scarce in this game, use with caution.

So, the general idea is that technically you can get even more than 40 free wishes on your first gameplay day. The most important thing is to level up, so good luck!

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