Genshin Impact: Cor Lapis Location



Writer and Storywriter


Cor Lapis is an item in Genshin Impact which is needed for multiple character ascensions. It’s a rare commodity, it should spawn with other materials but in specific locations.

Genshin Impact: Cor Lapis Location

It’s available in a couple of places, but not all locations for it are exactly full of it. You can expect to do some searching even if you to one of these exact locations.

To find it easily, we will give a Cor Lapis location which has the most of it.

Cor Lapis Location in Genshin Impact

cor lapis gameplay location in genshin

Along with character ascensions, this item can be used in crafting. More specifically for alchemy items such as “Dustproof Potion” and “Unmoving Essential Oil”.

This item is an extremely condensed precious crystal composed of natural Geo elements which spawns along with other resources.

cor lapis genshin genshin

According to the wiki, you can find it under cliffs in Liyue and Hulao Mountain. However, if you want to stack up on Cor Lapis, then the smart move is to go to Hulao Mountain since it has the most of this material.

Furthermore, close to the tops of the mountain you can see that it is covered with this material literally, although you can’t mine that.

To get the climb to Qingyun Peek. Go as high as possible and look for Mt. Hulao which would be located west. After you see it, either fly to it if you think you can reach it, or if you are low, go higher up.

Cor Lapis is used for the ascension of Chongyun and Keqing. There might be more character which require this, but for now that is all the information we have.

When you get to Mt. Hulao look for small ore-like objects which are orange. You will see a lot of orange big objects like this, but that is not Cor Lapis. The Cor Lapis will be the size of Iron rocks. Good luck!

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