One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Daka Tuss Shrine or the Sunken Scoop. This shrine requires Link to use the Magnesis Rune ability to, as you can probably tell from the title of the shrine, scoop orbs from underwater and solve the puzzle of the shrine. Completing this shrine is fairly easy and quick to do and in this guide, you’ll learn how to do exactly just that.

After completing Shrines, Link will receive Spirit Orbs. These Spirit Orbs can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. There are a total of 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, which means Link will be able to get a total of 120 Spirit Orbs.

The Daka Tuss Shrine or Sunken Scoop is one of the nine shrines in the Lanayru Tower region and can be found on Shrine Island in the south of the Lanayru Wetlands (northwest of Kakariko Village). From the Wetland Stable, follow the path to the east, and as you do that you’ll see the glow of the shrine from afar.
Sunken Scoop
As mentioned above the shrine is fairly easy to complete. To finish the Daka Tuss Shrine, these are what Link should do:
- From the elevator, go forward and you’ll see a pool of water with three floating orbs and a metal scoop at the bottom. Make sure you have Magnesis selected then press L and aim on the metal scoop at the bottom.

- Press A to activate Magnesis on the metal scoop, move it under one of the orbs, and scoop it out of the water.

- Bring the metal scoop with the orb to the opening on the top of the caged orb socket on the left side of the room. Move slowly to prevent the orb from falling. Then, push the metal scoop towards the wall to turn the scoop a little bit on its side and drop the orb on the socket and the path on the right side of the elevator will open.

- Don’t let go of the metal scoop and bring it to the next part of the shrine.

- The next part of the shrine is a little bit similar to the previous part. The only difference is that the top of the caged orb socket is completely closed and there is a big button on the bottom of the pool. Using the same method as the previous part, scoop one of the orbs from the water, drop it on the top of the caged orb socket and make sure it doesn’t fall off.

- Put the metal scoop underwater, let go and drop it on top of the button to press it. After that, the water from both parts of the shrine will be drained.

- Go back to the previous part of the shrine, drop down the now emptied pool, and go forward to the now accessible room to find a chest with a Silver Longsword.

- Go back and up the ladder, go to the next part of the shrine, drop down on that part’s now emptied pool and proceed on its now accessible hallway.

- Go up the ramps to reach the altar then talk to the monk to receive your Spirit Orb.

As mentioned above, the Daka Tuss Shrine or the Sunken Scoop is one of the nine shrines in the Lanayru Tower region. The other shrines are the Kaya Wan Shrine or the Shields From Water, Sheh Rata Shrine or the Speed of Light, Soh Kofi Shrine or A Minor Test of Strength, Dagah Keek Shrine or Dagah Keek’s Blessing, Ne’ez Yohma Shrine or the Pushing Power, Rucco Maag Shrine or the Five Flames, Shai Yota Shrine or Shai Yota’s Blessing, and the Kah Mael Shrine or the Drop and Rise.