One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Tah Muhl Shrine or the Passing the Flame. This Shrine requires Link to burn piles of leaves and wooden crates to access the chests and the altar. This Shrine may seem confusing, but this is pretty easy to complete, and in this guide, you will learn how to complete the Tah Muhl Shrine, obtain the chests inside, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You can decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or Stamina.
The Tah Muhl Shrine can be found in the middle of a gorge between Lake Ferona and Trilby Valley, which are both south of the Eldin Tower (the Shrine can be found southwest of the Foothill Stable and the Mo’a Keet Shrine or northwest of the Ternio Trail). The Tah Muhl Shrine is one of nine shrines in the Eldin Tower region.
Passing the Flame
Before descending on the Shrine, it would help a great deal if Link had a fire-based weapon like a Flameblade because, as mentioned above, Link is required to burn stuff inside the Shrine. If you do not have one, a Torch or any wooden weapon will also do as it can be used to carry fire around. If you still do not have any of those, then normal Arrows (or even Fire Arrows) will do.
Upon entering the Tah Muhl Shrine, you will see that Link will be in a room with lots of leaves on the walls. To complete this Shrine, this is what Link must do:
- First, Link must set the leaves on the wall directly in front of the entrance on fire. There are several ways to do that: Link can head to the path on the left to find a lit torch, then set his Torch or any wooden weapon on fire and bring it to the leaves on the wall in front of the entrance to set it on fire, Link can aim his Bow and Arrow and set the arrow on fire by letting it touch the fire on the torch then shooting it to the leaves on the wall in front of the entrance, Link can strike the leaves with a fire-based weapon, or Link can simply shoot it with a Fire Arrow.
- After the leaves have burnt out, wooden crates, which are also now on fire, will be revealed to be blocking a hole in the wall. Once the wooden crates have burnt out, go through the hole in the wall to continue.
- On the next part of the Shrine, you will see a chest on top of a stack of wooden crates just ahead, a locked entryway on the left with two chests inside, a ramp on the right that is held up by a bunch of crates, and the ramp leads to the altar and the monk. Additionally, there are also leaves on the wall scattered around the room. Set the crates near the altar on fire using any of the methods mentioned above. Then, after that, the ramp to the altar will be lowered.
- Before heading to the altar and exiting the Shrine, however, there are still some chests that Link can obtain. One of them is the chest on top of a stack of crates in the corner of the room on the right side of the locked entryway. Set the stack of wooden crates on fire using any methods mentioned above, and it will also burn the chest on top. Once the stack of wooden crates and the chest have burnt out, the item inside the chest will be dropped: an Opal.
- Next, another chest inside a hole in the wall is blocked by a pile of leaves behind two wooden crates on the right side of the ramp to the altar. Set the leaves and the two wooden crates on fire using the methods mentioned in step one to reveal the chest. Open the chest to obtain a Cobble Crusher.
- Then, go near the locked entryway, and you will see a chest on the right side of the floor inside and another chest on top of a small platform high up the wall with leaves that go all the way outside the fence. Set the leaves on the left on fire using any of the methods mentioned above and the fire will go all the way up the wall and burn the chest. Once the leaves and the chest have burnt out, the item inside the chest will be dropped: a Small Key.
- To get the Small Key, press the up directional button, select the Magnesis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the Small Key on the floor inside the gate, press the A button to activate the Magnesis Rune on it, bring it up above the fence, then pull it towards Link and take it.
- Afterward, go near the locked entryway and press the A button to open it using the Small Key that was just obtained. Open the chest inside on the right to obtain a Ruby.
- Finally, now that all the chest inside the Shrine has been opened, go up the ramp go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
As mentioned above, the Tah Muhl Shrine or the Passing the Flame is one of nine shrines in the Eldin Tower region. The other shrines are the Mo’a Keet Shrine, or the Metal Makes a Path, the Daqa Koh Shrine or the Stalled Flight, the Qua Raym Shrine or A Balanced Approach, the Shae Mo’sah Shrine or the Swinging Flames, the Sah Dahaj Shrine or the Power of Fire, the Gorae Torr Shrine or Gorae Torr’s Blessing, Shora Hah Shrine or the Blue Flame, and the Kayra Mah Shrine or the Greedy Hill.