One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Tu Ka’loh Shrine, or Tu Ka’loh’s Blessing. The Shrine itself is no challenge at all. As you enter the Tu Ka’loh Shrine, Link can access the shrine’s chest, access the altar and talk to the monk immediately. The real challenge is completing the Trail of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest to access Tu Ka’loh Shrine. In this guide, you will learn how to complete the Trail of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest to access and complete Tu Ka’loh Shrine, obtain the chest inside, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Tu Ka’loh Shrine can be found inside the Lomei Labyrinth Island, which is in the northeasternmost part of Hyrule (the shrine can be found just north of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab or east of the Akkala Wilds). The Tu Ka’loh Shrine is one of eight shrines in the Akkala Tower region.
Trial of the Labyrinth
Before attempting the Trial of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest, make sure that Link has enough weapons (especially Guardian weapons, or better yet Master Sword, as they are very effective against Guardians, which Link will encounter some in this shrine quest), shields, bows, arrows, and food for health (cooked or not) to use.
To start the Trial of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest, jump and glide from north of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab towards the opening in the center of the Lomei Labyrinth Island. Gliding towards this area would require at least one and half stamina wheels, so Link has enough stamina-replenishing foods and elixirs if you do not have enough. Upon landing on Lomei Labyrinth Island, Link will hear a voice that will say:
“You who have reached this point… proceed onward through the maze, and you will receive a reward.”
After that, the Trial of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest started!
Link must reach the shrine in the upper middle of the Lomei Labyrinth Island to complete his shrine quest. To do just that, this is what Link must do:
- Upon arriving at Lomei Labyrinth Island, Link will be in the biggest part of the labyrinth, which has six big pillars with some room in the middle. There is also a Guardian Stalker in this area, and you may catch its attention. You can either get rid of and defeat the Guardian Stalker or sneak and start the labyrinth by proceeding to the next step.
- Next, head to the path on the northwestern part of the area, head straight, then goes on the next path on the right.
- There is a huge metal cube at the very end of this path and a path to the right. Before proceeding to the next path, press the up directional button, select the Magnesis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the huge metal cube, and press the A button to activate the Magnesis Rune on it. Remove the huge metal cube from where it is placed to reveal a chest. Open the chest to obtain a Giant Ancient Core.
- After that, continue on the next path, head to the path on the right near the end of the corridor, then, on the divided path, take the path on the right.
- Next, take the path on the left at the end of the path. At the end of this corridor, take the path left, take the immediate left, take another immediate right, then take another immediate left to find a ladder on the wall.
- Let Link climb up the ladder, go up the first flight of stairs on the left, and right after that, you will see an opening on the right with some thorns on the wall. Set the thorns on fire by shooting them with a fire arrow or strike them with any fire-based weapon. Then, once the fire and thorns have cleared up, climb up the wall that had the thorns to find an opening. Go through the opening to the end of the path to obtain a Great Flameblade.
- Head back to where the thorns were to continue on the path.
- Go up the next flight of stairs, take the path on the right at the end of the corridor, then go up another flight. Here you will encounter two Keeses. Defeat the Keeses to continue.
- At the end of the corridor, take the path on the right, and go up two more stairs. At the end of the path, take the path on the right and up the final stairs. Here you will find the Tu Ka’loh Shrine!
After reaching the Tu Ka’loh Shrine, the Trial of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest is completed!
Tu Ka’loh’s Blessing
Now that you have completed the Trial of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest, you can now enter the Tu Ka’loh Shrine. This shrine will no longer have a challenge or puzzle inside as the puzzle was already on trying to access the shrine. Upon entering the shrine, this is what Link must do:
- Upon entering the Tu Ka’loh Shrine, head up the stairs and open the chest to obtain a Barbarian Helm.
- Then, just after the chest, continue ahead to the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
It is worth mentioning that the reward that the voice was referring to in the Trial of the Labyrinth Shrine Quest can only be obtained after completing the Tu’Kaloh Shrine. After exiting the shrine, you will see that the wall ahead is now opened, and just a little bit ahead of the shrine’s entrance, there is a hole in the floor with an updraft.
Drop down on the hole in the floor, and Link will be in a big room filled with Decayed Guardians, with a few of these being Guardian Stalkers that are waiting to be activated, which, in that case, you would have to defeat. In the distance, just ahead of the updraft, you will find a chest. Open the chest to obtain a Diamond Circlet.
After obtaining the Diamond Circlet, four of the Decayed Guardians will be activated to become Guardian Turrets and start targeting Link. You can try and defeat the Guardian Turrets, or you can try to flee the area by going back to the updraft, then jumping and using the paraglider to be blown back up into the previous room with the shrine and leave the area.
The Tu Ka’loh shrine, or Tu Ka’loh’s Blessing, is one of eight shrines in the Akkala Tower region. The other shrines are the Ke’nai Shakah shrine or A Modest Test of Strength, the Ze Kasho Shrine or the Ze Kasho Apparatus, the Tutsuwa Nima Shrine or A Major Test of Strength, the Dah Hesho Shrine or A Minor Test of Strength, the Katosa Aug Shrine or the Katosa Aug Apparatus, the Ritaag Zumo shrine or Ritaag Zumo’s Blessing, and the Zuna Kai Shrine or Zuna Kai’s Blessing.