One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Wahgo Katta Shrine or the Metal Connections. This Shrine requires Link to use the Magnesis Rune ability to manipulate a couple of climbable metal objects around the Shrine. It may seem confusing, but you will learn how to complete the Wahgo Katta Shrine in this guide, get the chest, and claim a Spirit Orb.

Link is rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. You can exchange the Spirit Orbs for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. You can find 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, so Link can also get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Wahgo Katta Shrine can be found near Riverside Stable, located southeast of the Central Tower and south of Whistling Hill (also northeast of the Great Plateau Tower or northwest of the Dueling Peaks Tower). The Wahgo Katta Shrine is one of eight in the Central Tower region of Hyrule.
Metal Connections
Upon entering the Wahgo Katta Shrine, you will see that the altar and the monk are at the top of a high platform on the northwest part of the Shrine. Also, you will find another tall platform on the northeastern part of the Shrine. On the southeastern part of the shrine, there is another tall platform, and beside it are three giant metal and climbable cubes stacked. To complete the Wahgo Katta Shrine, this is what Link must do:
- From the entrance, go to the southeastern part of the Shrine where you will see a tall platform and three huge, metal, and climbable cubes that are stacked. Climb up the metal cubes, and you will be able to reach the top of the tall platform that has a chest.
- Open the chest to obtain a piece of Amber.
- Next, drop down from the platform, press the up directional button, select the Magnesis Rune ability, press the L button to aim on the bottom metal cube, and press A to activate Magnesis on it.
- Then, slowly move the bottom metal cube so that the other two metal cubes on top of it won’t fall. Bring them to the tall platform on the northeastern part of the Shrine. If the stack of metal cubes topples, you would have to use the Magnesis Rune ability again to stack the metal cubes near the tall platform on the northeastern part of the Shrine.
- After that, climb up the stack of metal cubes to reach the tall platform, and there you will see a huge, metal, and climbable slate.
- Use the Magnesis Rune ability on the huge metal slate, and bring it down from the platform.
- Next, drop down from the tall platform and use the Magnesis Rune ability again to bring the stack of metal cubes, either slowly so the stack will not topple or stack them one by one, near the high platform on the northwest part of the Shrine with the altar on it. Place the metal cubes so that the top metal cube is not directly under or even next to the high platform. Place the metal cubes a small distance from the edge of the high platform.
- Then, use the Magnesis Rune ability on the huge metal slate and move it so it becomes a bridge ramp from the top of the metal cubes and the edge of the high platform. Adjust the placement of the metal slate so it will not fall down. Adjusting how close the metal cubes are to the high platform would definitely help with this.
- After doing that successfully, climb up the stack of metal cubes, and go up the high platform using the metal slate as a bridge ramp.
- Finally, go to the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb.
The Wahgo Katta Shrine or the Metal Connections is one of eight shrines in the Central Tower region. The other Shrines are the Dah Kaso Shrine or “A Minor Test in Strength,” the Rota Ooh Shrine or “Passing of the Gates,” the Kaam Ya’tak Shrine or “Trial of Power,” the Katah Chuki Shrine or “A Minor Test of Strength,” the Noya Neha Shrine or “A Minor Test of Strength,” the Saas Ko’sah Shrine or “A Major Test of Strength,” and the Namika Ozz Shrine or “A Modest Test of Strength.”