Insurance is probably the best addition to Phasmophobia. This is because on your ghost hunting journey you will encounter exceptionally scary and strong spirits, which will hunt you down.

Dying will remove all the equipment you have bought before-hand. The equipment costs a lot, and the insurance for that matter. However, the insurance will give you a return of a percentage of the gear you had in cash.
That’s why today we will talk about how to get insurance in Phasmophobia.
How to Get Insurance – Phasmophobia ![]()

Insurance will return 50% of the equipment value in cash for Beginner difficulty. However, for Intermediate, you will get only 25%.
If you are confident and play on the highest difficulty, you won’t get any return on the equipment lost. It’s important to note that, if you win and gather evidence, 50% and 25% will be deducted from the rewards depending on which difficulty you play on.
This is the fee for having the insurance in the first place. However, it’s far more worth it to have it deduct a small percentage from the winning because that is a fraction of what it could save in the long run.

But how to get the insurance in Phasmophobia? There is no special way of doing this, the insurance is set automatically.
Unfortunately, if you don’t want to buy the insurance, you can’t disable this option. But as I said, the fee is only a fraction of what it might save.
So, even though you can’t disable this option, it’s unprecedented why you would want to do this in the first place. On every mission in Phasmophobia an average of 1-2 players die.
That’s why they implemented this option, and props to them for the ingenuity of doing so. Most players agree that this is a pretty good mechanic.
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