Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game in which the player assumes the role of a transferee in a huge Paldea region school.

The player is the only one who may select what to do in the game: defeat the wicked Team Star, complete the Pokedex and catch them all, discover the exciting new Titan Pokemon, or defeat all of the Pokemon Gyms, become champion, and become the best like no one ever was!
The player will strive to become Champion near the end of the Victory Road questline by entering the Pokemon League and defeating the Elite Four and Top Champion Geeta.
This tutorial will show you how to defeat Geeta, the Top Champion!
Top Champion Geeta and the members of the ElitareFour are in the northwest of Mesagoza in the Pokemon League (or southwest of the Great Crater of Paldea).
To get to the Pokemon League, go to Mesagoza in the southern part of the Great Crater of Paldea, head northwest from the Mesagoza (West) Pokemon Center, up the stairs next to the sandwich shop, enter the cave with a gate, and follow the path that leads northwest until it ends at the Pokemon League building and a Pokemon Center.
The player must first defeat and conquer all eight Pokemon Gyms in the Paldea Region before encountering Top Champion Geeta and the members of the Elite Four in the Pokemon League.
After beating all of the Pokemon Gyms, proceed to the Pokemon League. As you approach the Pokemon League building’s door, a cutscene.
Champion Geeta stands near the entrance and informs the player that the Pokemon League, the final challenge required to become a Champion, will be held there.
When you are ready, approach the Pokemon League Staff in front of the entryway, and the staff will ask if you are ready to take the Pokemon League’s Champion Assessment.
If you respond ‘Yes’ to the prompt, the Pokemon League Staff will check to see if you have collected all eight Gym Badges from the Pokemon Gym Leaders throughout the Paldea region.
If you have, the Pokemon League Staff will welcome you inside.
Before meeting any of the Elite Four, Rika will ask the player a series of questions, which the player must correctly to progress.
After answering all the questions correctly, select the Pokemon you want to use against all of the Elite Four and Top Champion Geeta, load up on healing items, then head to the door directly behind Rika, where the player will now fight the Elite Four, beginning with Rika.
After that, the player must defeat Rika, Poppy, Larry, and Hassel before taking on Top Champion, Geeta.
Top Champion Geeta
After defeating Rika, Poppy, Larry, and Hassel, Rika will say that the player has passed the Elite Test of the Champion Assessment.
Everyone from the Elite Four will congratulate the player. However, Rika will continue that there is actually one final trial in the Champion Assessment which is to face Top Champion Geeta!
Fortunately, Rika will heal all of the player’s Pokemon. Then, each member of the Elite Four will wish the player good luck.
Head to the door up ahead, and select ‘Yes’ on the prompt when asked if the player is ready to face the final test of the Champion Assessment.
The player will then be on a battle court at the very top of the Pokemon League building, and there the player will find Top Champion, Geeta. A battle against Top Champion Geeta will begin!
Top Champion Geeta will be using six Pokemon of different types: a Level 61 Espathra, a Level 61 Avalugg, a Level 61 Kingambit, a Level 61 Gogoat, a Level 61 Veluza, and a Level 62 Glimmora.
Espathra is a Psychic type Pokemon, so it has a weakness to the Bug-type, Dark-type, and Ghost-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Fighting-type and Psychic-type moves (not very effective).
Top Champion Geeta’s Espathra will use the following moves:
- Quick Attack, which is a physical Normal-type move with 40 Power and 100 Accuracy with a Speed priority of 1, allowing it to go faster than most moves.
- Dazzling Gleam, which is a special Fairy-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy
- Lumina Crash, a special Psychic type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, lowers the opposing Pokemon’s Special Defense stat by two stages.
- Reflect, which is a Psychic type status move that decreases the damage dealt by physical attacks to the Pokemon utilizing the move’s side for five turns.
Avalugg is an Ice-type Pokemon, so it has a weakness to Fighting-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Top Champion Geeta’s Avalugg will use the following moves:
- Avalanche, which is a physical Ice type move with 60 Power and 100 Accuracy that will deliver double damage if the targeted Pokemon has already been damaged in the same turn.
- Body Press, which is a physical Fighting type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy in which the amount of damage delivered is calculated using the Pokemon’s Defense stat rather than the Attack stat.
- Crunch is a physical Dark type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 20% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Defense stat by one stage.
- Earthquake, which is a physical Ground type move with 100 Power and 100 Accuracy that will hit all Pokemon on the battlefield and even double the damage if a Pokemon used Dig.
Kingambit is a Steel and Dark type Pokemon. Hence, it has a weakness to Ground-type, Fire type, and especially Fighting type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark type, Dragon type, Flying type, Ghost type, Grass type, Ice-type, Normal type, Rock type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Poison-type and Psychic-type moves (no effect).
Top Champion Geeta’s Kingambit will use the following moves:
- Zen Headbutt is a physical Psychic type move with 80 Power and 90 Accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, has a 20% chance of making the enemy Pokemon flinch.
- Iron Head, which is a physical Steel type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, has a 30% chance of making the enemy Pokemon flinch.
- Kowtow Cleave, which is a physical Dark type move with 85 Power and never misses.
- Stone Edge, which is a physical Rock type move with 100 Power and 80 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has raised the Critical Hit ratio by one stage.
Aside from its moves, Top Champion Geeta’s Kingambit has an Ability called Supreme Overlord which boosts the Pokemon’s Attack and Sp. Attack stat by 10% for each fainted Pokemon in its party.
Veluza is a Psychic and Water type Pokemon. Hence, it has a weakness to the Bug-type, Dark type, Electric type, Ghost type, and Grass-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Fighting type, Fire type, Ice-type, Psychic type, Steel type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
Top Champion Geeta’s Veluza will use the following moves:
- Aqua Jet, a physical Water-type move with 40 Power and 100 Accuracy with a Speed priority of 1, allows it to go faster than most.
- Psycho Cut, which is a physical Psychic move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy and a 1-stage increased Critical Hit ratio.
- Ice Fang, which is a physical Ice type move with 65 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, has a 10% chance of freezing or flinching the enemy Pokemon.
- Liquidation is a physical Water-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 20% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Defense stat by one stage.
Aside from its moves, Top Champion Geeta’s Veluza has an Ability called Mold Breaker which allows the Pokemon the ability to use moves without being affected by the opposing Pokemon’s Ability.
Gogoat is a Grass-type Pokemon, so it has a weakness to the Bug-type, Flying-type, Fire-type, Ice-type, and Poison-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Electric-type, Grass-type, Ground-type, and Water-type moves (not very effective).
Top Champion Geeta’s Gogoat will use the following moves:
- Horn Leech, which is a physical Grass-type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to dealing damage, will recover the Pokemon using the move’s HP by half of the damage dealt.
- Play Rough, a physical Fairy-type move with 90 Power and 90 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 10% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Attack stat by one stage.
- Zen Headbutt, a physical Psychic-type move with 80 Power and 90 Accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, has a 20% chance of making the enemy Pokemon flinch.
- Bulk Up, which is a Fighting type status move that raises the Pokemon using the move’s Attack and Defense stats by one stage.
Glimmora is a Poison and Rock-type Pokemon. Still, Champion Geeta will terastallize Glimmora, which will change it into a pure Rock-type because of its Tera type, so it will have a weakness to Fighting type, Grass type, Ground-type, Steel type, and Water-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Flying type, Fire type, Normal type, and Poison type moves (not very effective).
Top Champion Geeta’s Glimmora will use the following moves:
- Dazzling Gleam, which is a special Fairy-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Earth Power, a special Ground type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 10% chance of decreasing the opposing Pokemon’s Special Defense stat by one stage.
- Tera Blast, which is a special Normal-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, when performed when the Pokemon using the move is crystallized, the move’s type changes to the Pokemon’s Tera Type and the move becomes a Physical move if the Pokemon’s Attack stat is higher than its Special Attack stat.
- Sludge Wave, a special Poison-type move with 95 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 10% chance of affecting the enemy Pokemon with Poison.
Aside from its moves, Top Champion Geeta’s Glimmora has an Ability called Toxic Debris. The Pokemon with the Ability will scatter Toxic Spikes on the opposing Pokemon’s field when a physical move hits the Pokemon with the Ability. The effect of this Ability can be activated for a maximum of only two times.
Because Top Champion Geeta’s Pokemon range from Level 61 to 62, it is advised that the player use Pokemon that are Level 63 and higher.
It is recommended that the player’s Pokemon have Bug-type and Fighting-type moves to easily defeat Top Champion Geeta and her Pokemon, as Bug-type moves are strong against Top Champion Geeta’s Espathra, Veluza, and Gogoat and Fighting-type moves are strong against Top Champion Geeta’s Avalugg, Glimmora, and especially Kingambit.
The player should also look out for Top Champion Geeta’s Kingambit as it has an Ability called Supreme Overlord, which boosts the Pokemon’s Attack and Special Attack stat by one stage for each Pokemon that has been defeated before it.
So, it is recommended to defeat Top Champion Geeta’s Kingambit as quickly as possible before it can improve its stats. Again, Kingambit is weak against Ground, Fire, and especially Fighting-type moves.
After defeating Top Champion Geeta and all of her Pokemon, the player is now the very best like no one ever was and has become a Champion in the Paldea region!