One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Daqa Koh Shrine or the Stalled Flight. This Shrine requires Link to connect the power source on top of a large concrete cube in the middle of the room to the switch on the ceiling of the room to open the gate to the altar and talk to the monk. This shrine may seem intimidating and confusing, but the shrine is very easy to complete. In this guide, you’ll learn how to complete the Daqa Koh Shrine, obtain the chest inside, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will receive Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. You can exchange these for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get a total of 120 Spirit Orbs. You can decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or Stamina.
The Daqa Koh Shrine can be found at the bottom of a cliff beside the path west of the Bridge of Eldin which is east of Goron City in the northeastern part of Hyrule (the shrine can be found in the east of the Goron Hot Springs or southeast of Goro Cove). The Daqa Koh Shrine is one of nine shrines in the Eldin Tower region.
It is worth noting that it is very hot in the area because the place is surrounded by lava so make sure that Link has armor that has Flame Guard like the Flamebreaker Set (Flamebreaker Helm, Armor, and Boots) or some Fireproof Elixirs so that the heat will not inflict damage to Link.
Stalled Flight
Upon entering the Daqa Koh Shrine, you will see that Link is in a big room with a very large concrete cube in the middle with a power source on top, and this large concrete cube is being perpetually thrown upwards by the huge launcher under it. Then, just ahead of the launcher and the very large concrete cube is a wide pillar with a closed gate near the top and behind this gate is the altar. To complete this shrine, this is what Link must do.
1. First, walk ahead and let Link fall on the huge launcher.
2. Next, wait for Link and the very large concrete cube to be thrown in the air. Then, at the peak of Link’s “jump,” quickly press the X button to use the Paraglider and glide to the top of the large concrete cube with the power source.
3. After that, face the southeast of the room (on the right side of the entrance), and you will see a chest on top of a small platform high up on a wall. Wait for Link and the very large concrete cube to be thrown up in the air again by the huge launcher. Then, at the peak of Link’s “jump,” quickly press the X button to jump, press the X button again to use the Paraglider, and glide towards the small platform and chest. Open the chest to obtain a Silver Rupee (100 Rupees).
4. Then, drop down from the small platform, let Link fall on the huge launcher, wait for Link and the very large concrete cube to be thrown in the air, then quickly press the X button to use the Paraglider and, again, glide to the top of the very large concrete cube with the power source.
5. At the top of the very large concrete cube, face the northern part of the room. You will see the gate to the altar near the top of the pillar, which will only open once the power source on top of the very large concrete cube conducts electricity to the switch in the ceiling directly above it. To do that, press the up directional button, select the Stasis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the very large concrete cube that Link is standing on, and wait for the power source to touch the switch which will happen at the peak of the “jump” of the very large concrete cube after it is launched in the air, then quickly press the A button to activate. The large concrete cube will freeze in time while the power source is touching the switch, resulting in the gate to the altar being opened.
6. Before the timer for the Stasis Rune runs out, quickly jump off the very large concrete cube, press the X button again to use the Paraglider, and glide towards the newly-opened entryway to the altar.
Finally, go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
As mentioned above, the Daqa Koh Shrine or the Stalled Flight is one of nine shrines in the Eldin Tower region. The other shrines are the Mo’a Keet Shrine, or the Metal Makes a Path, the Qua Raym Shrine or A Balanced Approach, the Shae Mo’sah Shrine or the Swinging Flames, the Shora Hah Shrine or the Blue Flame, the Sah Dahaj Shrine or the Power of Fire, the Gorae Torr Shrine or Gorae Torr’s Blessing, Tah Muhl Shrine or the Passing the Flame, and the Kayra Mah Shrine or the Greedy Hill.