The Shee Vaneer Shrine and Shee Venath Shrine, both called the Twin Memories, are two of the many shrines of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This shrine requires Link to solve a puzzle to get to the altar and talk to the monk. The shrines may seem confusing, but they are easy to complete, and in this guide, you will learn how to complete the Shee Vaneer and Shee Venath Shrine and obtain the chest.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are a total of 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link will get a total of 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Shee Vaneer Shrine is found at the top of the southern side of the Dueling Peaks (east of Dueling Peaks Stable, southwest of Kakariko Village). The easiest way to climb Dueling Peaks and reach the shrine is through the mountain’s southwest. Make sure that you have Cold Resistance armor like the Warm Doublet or the Snowquill set, as the temperature will slowly drop as you go up the mountain.
The Shee Venath Shrine is found near the top of the northern side of the Dueling Peaks. You should go to the Shee Vaneer Shrine first, as you can jump and glide from there to the Shee Venath Shrine.
The Shee Vaneer and Shee Venath Shrines are two of nine shrines in the Dueling Peaks Region.
Twin Memories
The Shee Vaneer Shrine and Shee Venath Shrine are connected, and both are needed to complete each one. The game wants the player to finish these shrines a certain way, and it is as follows:
- Link must first visit Shee Vaneer Shrine. Then, upon entering, there will be 25 glowing orb sockets with 5 glowing orbs.
- Immediately on Link’s left, there will be a platform that moves vertically. Ride the platform up to the platform at the top.
- Once at the top, you will have a better view of all the glowing orbs and the sockets. Take a picture or write down the placements of the glowing orbs.
- Before going down, glide down to the opposite side of the entrance of the shrine (on the same side as the moving platform) and you will see a platform with a chest. Open the chest to claim an Eightfold Longblade.
- Next, exit the shrine and glide down to the Shee Venath Shrine. Enter the shrine and upon entering, you will enter the shrine on the opposite side of the previous shrine and you will see the same number of glowing orbs and sockets but in a different pattern.
- Immediately on Link’s right, there will also be a platform that moves vertically. Ride the platform up to the platform at the top.
- Once at the top, Take a picture or write down the placements of the glowing orbs for this shrine.
- Before going down, glide down to the opposite side of the entrance of the shrine (on the same side as the moving platform) and you will see a platform with a chest. Open the chest to claim a Serpentine Spear.
- Then, go down to the bottom, and move the glowing orbs to the placements from the Shee Vaneer Shrine.
- After that, the gate to the altar will open and upon entering, there will be a ladder on the left. Go up the ladder and at the top, you will see the altar. Go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb.
- Upon exiting the shrine, fast travel back to the Shee Vaneer Shrine (to save time) and enter the shrine.
- Inside, move the glowing orbs to the placements from the Shee Venath Shrine.
- Then, the gate to the altar will open and upon entering, there will be a ladder on the right. Go up the ladder and at the top, you will see the altar. Go near the altar, talk to the monk and claim your Spirit Orb.
Now, to save your time from going back and forth the shrines, here are the placements to do for each shrine:
For the Shee Vaneer Shrine, this is where Link must place the glowing orbs (this method will be performed from the bottom row to the top):
- On the row closest to the south, place the glowing orb on the second socket from the left.
- On the row above that, place the glowing orb on the fourth socket from the left (second from the right).
- Then, on the row above that, place the glowing orb on the second socket from the left.
- Next, on the row above that, place the glowing orb on the first socket on the left.
- Finally, on the last row on the top, place the glowing orb on the fifth and last socket from the left (first from the right).
These are the Shee Venath Shrine placements to get to the altar and claim the Spirit Orb.
For the Shee Venath Shrine, this is where Link must place the glowing orbs (this method will also be performed from the bottom row to the top):
- On the row closest to the south, place the glowing orb on the fifth socket from the left (first from the right).
- Next, on the row above that, place the glowing orb on the third socket from the left (the socket on the center).
- On the row above that, place the glowing orb on the first socket from the left.
- Then, on the row above that, place the glowing orb on the fourth socket from the left (second from the right).
- Finally, on the last row after the last one, place the glowing orb on the second socket from the left.
These are the Shee Vaneer Shrine placements to get to the altar and claim the Spirit Orb.
As mentioned above, the Shee Vaneer Shrine and the Shee Venath Shrine Shrine or the Twine Memories are two of nine Shrines in the Dueling Peaks Region. The other shrines are the Toto Sah shrine or Toto Sah Apparatus, Bosh Kala shrine or The Wind Guides You, Hila Rao shrine or the Drifting, Ta’loh Naeg Shrine or the Ta’loh Naeg’s Teaching, Ha Dahamar Shrine or The Water Guides, Lakna Rokee shrine or Lakna Rokee’s Blessing, and Ree Dahee shrine or the Timing is Critical.