One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Zalta Wa Shrine, or the Two Orbs Guide You. As the title of the shrine suggests, this shrine requires Link to put two glowing orbs into their respective orb sockets to reach the altar and complete the shrine. This shrine may seem confusing, but it is fairly easy to complete. In this guide, you will learn how to complete the Zalta Wa Shrine, get the chest, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Zalta Wa Shrine can be found by the path that leads east on the southeast side of the Ridgeland Tower (or north of the West Hyrule Plains or west of the Quarry Ruins near Hyrule Castle). The Zalta Wa Shrine is one of seven shrines in the Ridgeland Tower region.
The Two Orbs Guide You
Upon descending on the shrine, you will see a low platform and a switch in the middle of the shrine. On the right side of the room is a gap then a glowing orb socket with a pillar with a glowing orb on top, on the left side of the room is a small pressure plate near another closed gate, and on the north side of the room is a closed gate and above it are ramps that lead to the altar. To complete this shrine, this is what Link must do:
- Head down the stairs from the entrance of the shrine and go to the right side of the room where you will find a glowing orb on top of a pillar and below it a glowing orb socket. As the glowing orb is unreachable, simply shoot an arrow in it so it will fall on the glowing orb socket.
- Once the glowing orb is in its socket, the gate on the north side of the room will open and reveal another glowing orb.
- Go near the just revealed glowing orb and pick it up then, with the glowing orb, let Link step on the pressure plate on the left side of the room.
- Pressing on the pressure plate will open the gate on the left side of the room and reveal another glowing orb socket. It is important to note that stepping out of the pressure plate will cause the gate to close again. So, while on the pressure plate, press the R button to throw the glowing orb towards the just revealed glowing orb socket.
- Once the glowing orb is in its socket, the platform above the gate on the north side of the room will start to slowly move horizontally repeatedly.
- Head to the platform with the switch in the middle of the room. Then, wait for the moving platform to move towards Link and, once it is near, strike the switch so that the platform that Link is standing on will rise very quickly and throw Link up in the air. Once Link is on the peak of his “jump”, immediately press the X button to use the paraglider and glide towards the opening of the moving platform to get on it.
- After that, head up the ramp of the moving platform then use the ramp on the left side. Before heading all the way up to the altar, however, look back on the left side of the room and there you will find a chest on the roof of the room of the last glowing orb socket. Glide towards it and open the chest to obtain a Knight’s Bow.
- Next, drop down from the roof and head back to the center of the room with the switch and the platform. Strike the switch again to revert the platform to its original state. Get on the platform, wait for the moving platform to move towards Link, hit the switch once the platform is near, and use the paraglider to glide towards the moving platform’s opening.
- Finally, head up the ramps, go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Zalta Wa Shrine, or the Two Orbs to Guide You, is one of seven shrines in the Ridgeland Tower region. The other shrines are the Mogg Latan Shrine or the Synced Swing, the Toh Yahsa Shrine or the Buried Secrets, the Shae Loya Shrine or the Aim for the Moment, the Maag No’rah Shrine or Maag No’rah’s Blessing, the Sheem Dagoze Shrine or the Moving on Parallel, and Mijah Rokee Shrine or the A Modest Test of Strength.