One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Zuna Kai Shrine or Zuna Kai’s Blessing. The Shrine itself is no challenge at all. As you enter the Zuna Kai Shrine, Link will be able to access the Shrine’s chest. He will be able to access the altar and talk to the monk immediately. The real challenge is completing The Skull’s Eye Shrine Quest to access Zuna Kai Shrine. In this guide, you’ll learn how to complete The Skull’s Eye Shrine Quest to access and complete Zuna Kai Shrine, obtain the chest inside, and claim your Spirit Orb.

Link receives Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines, and you can exchange them for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. Hyrule has 120 Shrines, so Link would be able to get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Zuna Kai Shrine can be found in the middle of Skull Lake. You can find this on the northwest end of Deep Akkala on the northeastern part of Hyrule (the Shrine is west of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, Tumlea Heights, and Akkala Wilds east of Gut Check Rock which is north of Death Mountain). The Zuna Kai Shrine is one of eight shrines in the Akkala Tower region.
The Skull’s Eye
To start The Skull’s Eye Shrine Quest, head to the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab on the northeasternmost part of Hyrule, and there you will find Robbie and his wife, Jerrin. Talk to Jerrin, then on the prompt, select “Who are you?” After that, she will introduce herself as an amateur scholar of ancient history and say that she has been focusing a lot of her research on shrines. She will then tell Link that there is somewhere he has to go, which is the left eye of Skull Lake, as there is a shrine there. However, getting there is challenging – the left eye of Skull Lake is very high up compared to the right one (which is also a place where Link can find Kilton, the Monster Parts Merchant, at night). Then, after talking to Jerrin, The Skull’s Eye Shrine Quest has started!
To complete the shrine quest, all Link has to do is reach the Shrine on the left eye of Skull Lake. Specifically, this is what Link must do:
- From the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, head northwest and go through the Tumlea Heights and Akkala Wilds until you reach the cliff’s edge that overlooks Skull Lake.
- Upon arriving near Skull Lake, you will see that the left eye of Skull Lake is actually a very tall pillar. You may be wondering why it’s on the right eye and not on the left eye, as Jerrin said. That’s because she refers to the left eye from the skull’s perspective. On top of this very tall pillar is the Zuna Kai Shrine. Head to the edge of the cliff on the northeast of Skull Lake as this area is the best area to jump off towards the very tall pillar and the Shrine.
- Once you are at a great spot, jump and use the paraglider to glide towards the tall pillar and the Shrine. Land on the side of the pillar, then start climbing up to the top. Link would only need at least one wheel of stamina to reach the Shrine, granted that you do not do any unnecessary actions that waste Link’s stamina. It would also help if Link already has Revali’s Gale as he can use Revali’s Gale first to glide even higher, and upon reaching the Zuna Kai Shrine, Link would not need to climb the side of the very tall pillar.
After that, Link has completed The Skull’s Eye Shrine Quest, and Link can now access the Zuna Kai Shrine!
Zuna Kai’s Blessing
Now that you have completed The Skull’s Eye Shrine Quest, you can enter the Zuna Kai Shrine. This Shrine will no longer have a challenge or puzzle inside as the puzzle was already on trying to access the Shrine. Upon entering the Shrine, this is what Link must do:
- Upon entering the Zuna Kai Shrine, head up the stairs and open the chest to obtain a Flameblade.
- Then, just after the chest, continue ahead to the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Zuna Kai Shrine or Zuna Kai’s Blessing is one of eight shrines in the Akkala Tower region. The other shrines are the Ke’nai Shakah shrine or A Modest Test of Strength, the Ze Kasho Shrine or the Ze Kasho Apparatus, the Tutsuwa Nima Shrine or A Major Test of Strength, the Dah Hesho Shrine or A Minor Test of Strength, the Katosa Aug Shrine or the Katosa Aug Apparatus, the Tu Ka’loh shrine or Tu Ka’loh’s Blessing, and the Ritaag Zumo shrine or Ritaag Zumo’s Blessing.