Monster Hunter Rise: Farm Altaroth Jaws & Stomachs



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. Outside of work, she streams video games with friends and creates clips and videos about PC games on YouTube.

There is no doubt that Monster Hunter Rise is a challenging game. The toughest job inside the game is not hunting monsters, as many might think it is. It is finding certain monsters, insects, or NPCs that have a chance to drop you something useful you might need for your quest. One particular insect which is fairly difficult to locate is Altaroth.

Monster Hunter Rise: Farm Altaroth Jaws & Stomachs

These insects are exceptionally weird and bizarre. Sometimes they get some materials and carry them to their nest. So, when you kill them, you will get certain Altaroth resources and some riches or junk in Monster Hunter Rise.

Farming Altaroth Jaws & Stomachs in Monster Hunter Rise – How-To

One of the most important materials you might need from this insect is its jaws and stomach. But even when you find this insect, it must be killed a certain way.

Nonetheless, they can be found easily if you know what environment they inhabit.

To find Altaroth jaws and stomachs, one must kill Altaroths, and they can be found on an Expedition of the Frost Islands.

As far as killing them, like I said, they’re quite bizarre. Technically, you can kill them with your main weapon, but this will make it so that you can’t skin them, which means you will lose some jaws and stomachs.

Instead, what you want to do is kill them with poison explosives. They’re relatively easy to make and find, allowing you to skin these insects.

The drop chances for stomachs are 50% on dropped materials and 50% on carves. As for jaws, you will have a 25% chance of getting one from dropped materials and a 25% on carves.

That is why it is so important that you carve them, as they’re only a handful in the Frost Islands. Kindly follow the excellent tutorial video above for the best chance of getting stomachs and jaws.

But for those that want to get them as quickly as possible, you can get them, as I said, in the Frost Islands, but at the n.6 part on the map. This area will have four Altaroths.

Kill them using poison explosives, and then carve them. Rinse and repeat until you’re satisfied with the amount of resources!

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