We have seen Valheim grow to one of the biggest Steam games out there, and huge part of its success is owed mostly to its realistic design and mechanics.

Nevertheless, while many have fallen in love with Valheim, it is no secret that the game is still in early access. Not that anything is wrong with that, but you can expect some quirks, bugs, and much stuff that is obvious that it belongs in the game not added yet.
Mostly, many have been concerned about farming in this game. It seems as though there are not many options for fruits or vegetables. For example, can you plant and grow mushrooms?
Can You Farm Mushrooms – Valheim
This has been the main topic of conversation since a few weeks ago, you can say that it has been a mystery since the launch of Valhem. The same goes for berries as well.
This is all because both are required as an ingredient in mead bases. Mead is a confusing word for many, but it basically means a potion in Valheim. Getting an abundance of berries and mushrooms is not doubt a difficult task.
Although there is a lot of players saying that you can farm both, unfortunately you can’t farm mushrooms in Valheim, nor berries.
The reason why they’re so important is of course because of how strong potions are in the game, at the moment. All of what is said is subject to change, especially about farming mushrooms and the potency of the potions.
We might see a balance that the developers implement. Whether it be to lower the strength of the potions, or to further scatter mushrooms.
Because still, you can get away with picking them up as you go about your regular day in Valheim. You will be surprised with how many you can end up with if you’re specifically looking for them.
Although, make sure that you look in the right places, and those are the meadows biome and the Black Forest. Who knows though, we might see farming mushrooms become a thing in the future.
Especially, since there are many major updates that are scheduled for 2021.
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