Fix Valheim Server Not Showing Up


Jon Torres

Writer and Storywriter


Valheim is an outstanding Viking game, and what’s even more surprising and amazing is the fact that you can conquer the world together, with your friends!

Fix Valheim Server Not Showing Up

This game supports up to 10 people in a single multiplayer world. It is quite an interesting experience. Putting aside the differences, it does remind of the early days of Minecraft. This isn’t an insult or a meme, despite what many say, Minecraft does hit the survival aspects on point.

Both games have randomly generated endless worlds, and both put a lot of emphasis on one thing, survival.

Fix Server Not Showing Up – Valheim

However, many were disappointed when they found out about a lot of the bugs and issues that the game has. A particular one stands out, and that’s when the server isn’t showing up for the other players that want to join it.

Many have embarked on the Valheim adventure just because of the co-op option. The game is still in early access though, which might explain why so many bugs and issues are present.

Although that’s true, there are things you can do to fix Valheim if the server isn’t showing up for you.

Community Server

When making the world, the creator must not forget to select Community Server. This is what allows the server to be seen to other players. If this option isn’t selected, then other players cannot join in on the action.

The creator should also name it in a way that can be distinguished from other servers for the purpose of clarity and easily finding it.

fix valheim server not showing


Nonetheless, even if community server is selected on world creation, it might still not show up to other players. If that is the case, other players should first try to restart the game, and search for the server again.

This is to refresh the game, and possibly delete any previous cache that was gathered. Also, make sure that the creator of the server is online and, in the world, or server. Use the search field to find the server easily.

If you still can find the server, then have the creator of it restart the game and server. These are the only two options available to fix if servers are not showing up in Valheim.

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